Thus new functions and improvements are continuously made available to users and their test solutions.
Feature highlights at a glance
Improvement of the user experience in the image panel
The image panel has been optimized in many dialogs. From now on, the displayed image section can be moved in all parameter dialogs with the mouse button pressed. The current mouse pointer position is now used as the zoom target. If the mouse leaves the Image Panel while editing, the image area is scrolled automatically. It is also possible to move the image section using the middle mouse button, even if, for example, the left button is ‘occupied’.

Faster configuration in the Check Routine Explorer
With the new multi-edit functionality in the Run-time Data tab of the Explorer test program, it is now possible to re-link all of the input data linked to the selected output pin at once using Ctrl + left-click.
Additional drag & drop modes are now supported in the Run-time Data Explorer. Previously, links could only be configured from the check function target to the new data object source. Now the following additional modes are possible:
- From the new data object source to the check function target (corresponds to the natural flow direction)
- From the old data object source to the new data object source
Check function “Check data in register” and “Modify data in register”
The user can edit the register ID, description and the modification rule directly in the Target Value dialog. Going through the Modification Wizard as previously required is no longer necessary.

More performance for working at (the) high(est) speed
- Precision in I/O polling significantly more efficient: Input signals are sampled with a precision of up to one millisecond. This can save a few milliseconds of cycle time in high-speed systems and also significantly improve cycle stability.
- Measuring time: Cycle times of a PLC-controlled setup
- Check function “Transfer Image”: Optimization of internal image generation both from file and camera. Likewise, caching at the performance limit with many large images from a file has been optimized.

Simplification of the image capture check functions
In order to avoid the unwanted shifting of the indices of all subsequent cameras (frame grabbers) when adding digital cameras, the camera index is now defined per category when selecting cameras in image recording check functions. List management of digital cameras and cameras connected to frame grabbers is no longer necessary.

Process View image visualization
Starting with the new version, image visualization can be linked directly to the data tray. There is no need to copy the images for the visualization into the test program, which makes the application leaner and more efficient.

Process View data register display
The column widths of the data register display can be parameterized in the designer.

Process View LED display
In process view, the LED can now be linked to register cells of the ‘truth value’ type. True corresponds to ‘LED on’, False to ‘LED off’. A link to process signals, device bits and internal NC states is also possible, which was previously only possible for the LED in the control panel.
In addition, LEDs can now assume multiple states. Thus, a single LED is sufficient to visualize the execution result in different colors depending on the type (OK/NOK/target value violation). In addition, the LED can take a dynamic color value from a string register.

Process View and Control Panel LED Display
The LED display can be configured with dynamic texts from the Description tab. Localized test program, check and check function result texts can be clearly displayed, as can the register values.

Data Register Manager
Floating point numbers in the Data Register Manager as well as in the Data Register Display in process view and in the info window are displayed with full precision (number of decimal places if required). Likewise when saving to the configuration file (* .DP.CFGX) and in the check function “Check data in register”.

Data Format Converter Manager
An issue was fixed where the data format converter pins connected to a previously unavailable device were not correctly re-initialized when the device became available again.
Multiple channels of a data format converter of the type ‘Other’ are accepted. This is significant e.g. for OPC UA.
Copyright notice for the photos used on this page:
Images © NeuroCheck